Our firm, now in our fourth decade of practice, stands on the shoulders of the Catholic foundation laid when our doors were opened in 1981. Our faith is integral to our representation of injured individuals and their families. Catholic, meaning “universal” and “all-embracing”, is who we are. We represent people – Rich. Poor. Middle class. Black. White. Asian. Hispanic. Highly educated. Those with little or no formal education.

Our resume is clear. With more than 50 million and multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements for those injured by medical negligence, toxic torts, dangerous products and dangerous premises, trucking and vehicle collisions, we hold a reputation as one of the most skilled and successful trial law firms in the Midwest.

At the beginning of each workday, our lawyers, paralegals and staff gather around the Sacred Heart altar in the lobby of our office to ask God to guide us, fortify us, and lead us; we pray for each of our clients, their families, their concerns and worries; and we pray for the strength and courage to serve them well.

It is our privilege and responsibility to restore and demand recognition of the value and dignity of every human life that is damaged because of careless and preventable acts by corporations, governments, healthcare providers, insurance companies, employers, and others.